“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put humpty back together again”
Well guess what???... it’s not the 18th century anymore and modern medicine has come a long way… and I’m definitely proof of that. Poor humpty dumpty never stood a chance, but thankfully we now have hope.
Hope is something that is a precious commodity these days, with all of the global unrest that we are currently experiencing as a result of the recent COVID-19 outbreak. I for one am deeply grateful to be alive. It is really all thanks to our absolutely amazing health care system. It is really thanks to all the queen’s doctors and all the queen’s nurses that were able to put me back together again. It is really all thanks to the amazing health care providers that I am standing here today. I owe them my life, and for that I am eternally grateful.
As this pandemic sweeps the nation all I can do is remember how quite literally the jaws of life were used to pry me from a decimated car crash, barely clinging on to life I was rushed to the nearest hospital. Even when they weren’t able to stop the bleeding they never gave up hope… they never stopped trying… without a thought of conserving supplies, and saving manpower, I was rushed to a more equipped hospital. Even the paramedics who transported me didn’t think that I would make the trip.
I am grateful that they were wrong, and of course that they kept me alive. They never gave up on me. Even though they said I only had 10 percent odds to live, they never gave up on me so how can we give up on them? There is always hope. During this trying time of social unrest we should ban together, never lose hope and support the amazing health care workers. These times may be trying, but this too shall pass. We simply need to support each other instead of succumbing to the fear mongering, and hoarding mentality.
Of course, having an un-tangible enemy seems frightening, but we must refrain from lapsing into xenophobia. Instead of letting this virus divide and conquer and letting fear reign supreme, we need to come together and all do our part to support our amazing health care providers.
No act is too small, whether it is something as simple as social distancing, spreading positivity or even being on the front lines, we can all make a difference. No matter how daunting this pandemic may seem, no matter how steep this fight may be together we will conquer and come out on the other side. After all it’s not the 18th century anymore. Now we have HOPE